Progresses of Chinese Pulsar Timing Array Xu, Heng Chinese Pulsar Timing Array (CPTA) regularly monitors 46 millisecond pulsars, and has accumulated data more than 1.5 years. I will present recent progresses of CPTA observations at FAST, including observations overview, the timing results and dispersion measure (DM) results of the 46 CPTA pulsars. I will also briefly discuss some interesting results of several pulsars, such as the Shapiro delay measurements. CPTA also grabbed the first profile changing behavior of a MSP J1713+0747, which associated with timing and DM event, I will talk about the implications for pulsar timing and gravitational wave detection of PTA. I will also talk about some preliminary results of our efforts trying to expand CPTA -- looking for other high timing precision and stability MSPs beyond the International Pulsar Timing Array pulsar list for strengthening CPTA.