Search of pulsar candidates based on the properties of X-ray source in the Galactic Bulge Wang, Yujie The Fermi-LAT has detected an anomalous gamma-ray emission excess in the Galactic center, which may be from a population of unknown millisecond pulsars in the Galactic bulge (Abazajian et al.). On this basis, researchers have used an empirical connection between gamma- and X-ray emission of MSP populations to develop a model of the bulge MSP population, and compared the model with observation data from the Chandra telescope, discovering a large number of Chandra X-ray sources possibly being correlated to unresolved bulge MSPs (Berteaud+2020). This paper is based on the analyzed X-ray spectrum and distance properties of bulge MSPs, and combines the Chandra source catalog CSC 2.0 and the Gaia source catalog Gaia EDR3 to select X-ray sources as possible pulsar candidates surrounding the Galactic center. By using observation data at 185 MHz collected by the MWA Phase I, we find a pulsar candidate at the location of the Chandra source 2CXO J174254.2-281806. This is the first time for a pulsar being discovered by low-frequency radio array, which indicates SKA1-low may have more opportunities to explore pulsars in the Galactic bulge and plane.