Pulsars in M3

Li, Baoda

We present the phase-connected timing solutions of all the five pulsars in globular cluster (GC) M3 (NGC~5272), namely PSRs~M3A to F (PSRs~J1342+2822A to F), with the exception of PSR~M3C, from FAST archival data.

In these timing solutions, those of PSRs~M3 E, and F are obtained for the first time. We find that PSRs~M3E and F have low mass companions, and are in circular orbits with periods of 7.1 and 3.0~days, respectively. For PSR~M3C, we have not detected it in all the 41 observations. We found no X-ray counterparts for these pulsars in archival Chandra images in the band of 0.2–20~keV.

We noticed that the pulsars in M3 seem to be native. From the Auto-Correlation Function (ACF) analysis of the dynamic spectra, the scintillation timescale ranges from 7.0 min to 60.0 min, and the scintillation bandwidth ranges from 4.6 MHz to 57.1 MHz from PSRs~M3A and B. The measured scintillation bandwidths from the dynamic spectra indicate strong scintillation, and the scattering medium is anisotropic. From the secondary spectra, we captured a scintillation arc only for PSR~M3B with a curvature of 649\pm23\,{\rm m}^{-1}\,{\rm mHz}^{-2}.