Comprehensive X-Ray view of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 2259+586

Peng, Hanlong

Magnetars are a subclass of isolated pulsars with strong magnetic fields and young ages. We conducted timing and flux analysis on the magnetar 1E 2259+586 using NICER data. It was found that there is an exponential decay term in the anti-glitch discovered by Younes et al. in 2019. Additionally, there was a new glitch observed later on. Interestingly, we noticed that both of these glitch events were accompanied by changes in flux, which is different from previous conclusions. The correlation between glitch events and changes in radiation state is currently not well understood in magnetars. Furthermore, polarization analysis of this source was performed using IXPE data, revealing a lower polarization degree than expected theoretically. The polarization angle could be fitted using the RVM, which is consistent with the conclusions of the other three magnetars observed by IXPE.