Phenomena connected to the collision of asteroids with pulsars

Huang, Yongfeng

More than 3000 pulsars have been detected in our Galaxy. At least a few of them are found to have planets. It is expected that asteroids could also exist around pulsars. In our studies, we argue that when asteroids collide with pulsars, various phenomena could be produced, such as X-ray bursts, glitches/anti-glitches, fast radio bursts, etc. In this lecture, we will present some of our recent results on the collision of asteroids with pulsars.

Primordial black holes as a tool to probe strange quark stars

Huang, Yongfeng

Primordial black holes of planetary masses may be captured by compact stars such as neutron stars and strange quark stars. Such a capture may lead to an inspiral process and can be detected through gravitational-wave signals. In this talk, we will present our recent study on the postcapture inspiral process. It is found that the gravitational wave signals are different for a neutron star capturing event and a strange quark star capturing event. As a result, primordial black holes could be potentially used as a tool to probe the internal composition of pulsars.