Quarks and Compact Stars (QCS)
Oct. 20-22, 2014, KIAA at Peking University, Beijing - P. R. China
Invited Talk
Inhomogeneous chiral phases in two-flavor quark matter
Hiroaki Abuki
Keio University
The possibility of inhomogeneous realizations of chiral symmetry
breaking in quark matter has been extensively studied by several
Most of study concentrate on the ideal situation where equal numbers of
up and down quarks are populated in the system.
However, in a realistic bulk system such as realized in compact stars,
down quark density is almost twice as large as up quark density to
the charge neutrality constraint.
Here we assume the existence of the Lifshitz point (LP) in the QCD phase
diagram, and study the effect of isospin mismatch on the LP and the
phase structure in its neighborhood. To this end, we derive
systematically the generalized Ginzburg-Landau (gGL) potential expanded
up to the sixth order in order parameters and isospin chemical
Using the derived gGL potential, we show that, going down in density
from high density quark matter, the system might go through a particular
kind of inhomogeneous charged pion condensate before forming a solitonic
lattice of chiral condensate.