Quarks and Compact Stars (QCS)
Oct. 20-22, 2014, KIAA at Peking University, Beijing - P. R. China
Chiral asymmetry in magnetized stellar matter
Igor Shovkovy
Arizona State University
Unusual chiral properties of the ground state of relativistic matter in a strong magnetic field
will be discussed. The main emphasis will be placed on the dynamical generation of the chiral
shift in different types of stellar matter. From the physics viewpoint, the chiral shift determines
a relative shift of the longitudinal momenta (along the direction of the magnetic field) in the
dispersion relations of opposite chirality fermions. The resulting ground state is characterized
by a chiral asymmetry at the Fermi surface that is expected to affect the low-energy physics
in compact stars. Several aspects of such physics will be discussed.he result of type I starquakes due to, simply, a change of stellar ellipticity.