Quarks and Compact Stars (QCS)
Oct. 20-22, 2014, KIAA at Peking University, Beijing - P. R. China
Invited Talk
Coexistence of kaon condensation and hyperons in hadronic matter and its relevance to quark matter
Takumi Muto
Department of Physics, Chiba Institute of Technology
Multi-strangeness phase consisting of kaon condensation and hyperons
in hadronic matter ((Y+K) phase), which may be realized in neutron stars, is
On the basis of the relativistic mean-field theory for baryon-baryon
interaction, combined with the effective chiral Lagrangian incorporating
$\bar K$-baryon and nonlinear $\bar K-\bar K$ interactions, we obtain
onset density of kaon condensation realized from the hyperon-mixed matter
and the equation of state (EOS) of the (Y+K) phase.
It is shown that coexistence of kaon condensation and hyperon-mixed
matter is plausible, but it leads to significant softening of the EOS,
which should be reconciled with recent neutron-star observations.
We introduce the second-order effects including the range terms for both nucleons
and hyperons and a pole contribution from the $\Lambda$ (1405), which are important to be consistent with the result of the s-wave $K (\bar K)-N$ scattering lengths,
to conceal the effects of the s-wave scalar attraction between kaons and baryons
on the energy and the EOS.
Connection of the (Y+K) phase to quark matter is also discussed.