Quarks and Compact Stars (QCS)
Oct. 20-22, 2014, KIAA at Peking University, Beijing - P. R. China
Quark stars under strong magnetic fields
Pengcheng Chu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Within the confined-isospin-density-dependent-quark-mass model, we study
the properties of strange quark matter (SQM) and quark stars (QSs) under strong magnetic
fields. The equation of state of SQM under a constant magnetic field is obtained
self-consistently and the pressure perpendicular to the magnetic field is shown
to be larger than that parallel to the magnetic field, implying that the properties
of magnetized QSs generally depend on both the strength and the
orientation of the magnetic fields distributed inside the stars. Using a density-dependent
magnetic field profile which is introduced to mimic the magnetic field strength
distribution in a star, we study the properties of static spherical QSs by
assuming two extreme cases for the magnetic field orientation in the stars, i.e.,
the radial orientation in which the local magnetic fields are along the radial
direction and the transverse orientation in which the local magnetic fields are
randomly oriented but perpendicular to the radial direction. Our results indicate
that including the magnetic fields with radial (transverse) orientation can significantly
decrease (increase) the maximum mass of QSs, demonstrating the importance
of the magnetic field orientation inside the magnetized compact stars.