Scientific Program of 以天之语 解物之道

June 26-27, 2023, the Fragrant Hill Hotel (香山饭店), Beijing


===== Monday, June 26 =====


Arriving at the Fragrant Hill Hotel in the morning.


It is very convinient for participants to take Beijing subway to arrive: transfering from Bagou (巴沟) station of Line-10 to the Xijiao Line (西郊线),

and walking about one kilometer (passing through the Buying-Selling Street, 买卖街):

----- Lunch time -----


Chair: 徐仁新 (15min = 10+5)

14:00 -- 14:05欢迎辞(刘继峰颜学庆

14:05 -- 14:20刘继峰: 以天之语 解物之道

14:20 -- 14:35熊少林: 慧眼和极目观测研究高能暂现源进展

14:35 -- 14:50张寿山:  LHAASO实验进展和未来计划

14:50 -- 15:05李柯伽:  CPTA

15:05 -- 15:20舒  菁: 天文观测探索基础物理

15:20 -- 15:50 Free discussions

15:50 -- 16:20     Group Photograph and Coffee Break


Chair: 张双南 (15min = 10+5)

16:20 -- 16:35葛明玉:  PSR J0437-4715表面辐射特征研究进展

16:35 -- 16:50刘玉鑫:  EOS of cold star matter via a sophisticated QCD approach

16:50 -- 17:05俞云伟: 探索中子星内部物理的几种途径的讨论

16:05 -- 17:20李  昂:  To quantitatively determine neutron star equation of state from connecting consistently nuclear physics and astronomy

17:20 -- 17:35来小禹:  Bulk strong matter: the hypothesis and observational tests

17:35 -- 18:30 Free discussions


Dinner, 18:30 – 19:30


===== Tuesday, June 27 =====


Chair:   (15min = 10+5)

08:00 -- 08:15郑小平: 中子星物质动力学及探针

08:15 -- 08:30付伟杰:  QCD phase structure within the functional renormalization group approach

08:30 -- 08:45摆  展:  Lattice simulation on cosmic string and gravitational wave

08:45 -- 09:00周恩平:  Probing phase transition in neutron stars in multimessenger era

08:00 -- 09:15陆由俊: 双中子星起源、物态和多信使研究探讨

09:15 -- 09:30 Free discussions

09:30 -- 10:00  Coffee Break


Chair: 蔡一夫 (15min = 10+5)

10:00 -- 10:15 马伯强: 高能宇宙粒子与新物理探索

10:15 -- 10:30 赵鹏巍: 原子核的统一微观描述与宇宙核合成

10:30 -- 10:45 李  然:  CSST时代的暗物质性质研究

10:45 -- 11:00 刘  佳: 利用射电望远镜直接探测暗光子暗物质

11:00 -- 11:15 邵立晶:  Testing Gravity with Astrophysical Compact Objects

11:15 -- 12:00 Free discussions more and more…


----- Lunch time -----


Departure from the Fragrant Hill Hotel.