Registered Participants

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Name Affiliation Abstract submitted
Xu, Renxin Peking University GW170817 and EoS of strong matter
Wang, Hongguang Guangzhou University
Zhang, Pengfei 紫金山天文台
Li, Zhaosheng 湘潭大学 The absorption edge in a PRE burst from GRS 1747-312/Terzan 6
Zhou, Shiqi 西华师范大学——新疆天文台
Wang, Huihui 华中科技大学 Magnetar-like outburst from high-magnetic field radio/gamma-ray pulsar PSR J1119-6127
Wang, Yubin 西华师范大学——新疆天文台 Effect of the equation of state on the r-mode instability of strange stars
Lyu, Ming Xiangtan University
Wang, Shuangqiang Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory
Zhou, Zurong Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory
Li, Ang Department of Astronomy, Xiamen Univ. Dense matter EOS from terrestrial nuclear measurements and astrophysical constraints
Tong, H Guangzhou University Rotational evolution of magnetars in the presence of a fallback disk
Wang, Weiyang NAOC Pulsar giant pulse: coherent instability near light cylinder
Zhou, Xia Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory R-mode instability and related observations
Zhang, Yanrong Guangzhou University
Xin, Yi 上海天文台
Gussie, Wong 上海天文台
Wang, Jingbo 中国科学院新疆天文台
Tong, Minglei National Time Service Center The construction of ensemble pulsar time-scale and its possible application
Agent Chen China West Normal University
Yulan 西华师范大学
Soun 西华师范大学
Lu, Jiguang NAOC, CAS Single Pulse Observation with FAST
Jumpei Takata School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Techonology Millisecond pulsar binary of Fermi-era
Wang, Zhengli National Astronomical Observatories, CAS
Cui, Yudong Sun Yat-sen University Leaked GeV CRs from the broken shell of SNR W28
Yan, Zhen Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS Pulsar Studies with Shanghai Tian Ma Radio Telescope
Yan, Linli Institude of High Energy Physics The evolution of the Crab pulsar
Du, Yuanjie Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology
Wen, Dehua South China university of Technology
Zhou, Jianeng Shanghai astronomical observatory
Zhang, Na South China University of Science and Technology
Zhu, Weiwei National Astronomical Observatory
Yue, Youling 中国科学院国家天文台
Huang, Wenjun Guangzhou University
Hu, Yongfeng Guangzhou University
Jiang, Jinchen Department of Astronomy, Peking University
Kou, Feifei Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory The spin-down state change and mode change associated with glitch activity of PSR B2035+36
Pak Hin Tam 中山大学 The hour-timescale GeV flares of PSR B1259-63 in 2017
Chen, Houyuan South China University of Science and Technology
Jiang, Rongrong South China University of Science and Technology
Lai, Xiaoyu 湖北第二师范学院 Pulsar glitches in a strangeon star model
Liu, Jie 上海天文台 Pulsar Timing Progress at TMRT
Zhao, Rushuang Shanghai astronomy observatory 5.0 Ghz TMRT observations of 71 pulsars
Huang, Zhipeng 上海天文台
Dong, Jianmin Institude of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wang, Di 华中科技大学,粒子与天体物理所
Xu, Yonghua YNAO
Yi, Shuxu The University of Hongkong Probing the properties of the pulsar wind via studying the dispersive effects in the pulses from the pulsar companion in a double neutron-star binary system
Tu, Zuoying 中国科学院新疆天文台
Gong, Biping 华中科技大学
Huang, Xiujian 华中师范大学
Liu, Mengxu Huazhong university of Science and Technology
Yuan, Xulong 华南理工大学
Liu, Chengqi 华中科技大学
Luo, Rui Peking University
Men, Yunpeng PKU
Stephen C.-Y.Ng The University of Hong Kong Radio Observation of Pulsar Wind Nebulae
Zhou, Enping Peking University
Li, Yunyang Peking University
Kejia Lee KIAA PKU
Liu, Xiongwei China West Normal University The Radiation of Pulsars with Fall-back Disks
Rejiefu Rukeya Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory
Zhang, Li Yunnan University
Chen, Zhongwu School of Physics, Peking University
Arnold PKU
Yuan, Ye-Fei University of Science and Technology of Chiina
Zhang, Songming South China University of Science and Technology
Zheng, Xiaoping 华中师范大学 中子星Mode和Mountain引力波辐射
Yan, Wenming Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS Quasi-periodic modulation in the Q-mode of PSR J1825-0935
Dang, Shijun 中科院新疆天文台
Huang, Yongfeng Nanjing University Bow Shock Emission Model For the White Drawf Pulsar AR Scorpii
Cheng, Quan Wuhan University
Xu, Heng Peking University
Yan, Dahai YNAO
Wen, Zhigang Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS
Dai, Xuejie Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Guo, Yanjun PKU
Feng, Yi 国家天文台
Miao, Chenchen 国家天文台
Wang, Hongfeng 国家天文台
Yuan, Mao 国家天文台
Zhang, Fupeng Guangzhou University
Chen, Qihui Guangzhou University
Aillin, Wang Guangzhou University
Diem Guangzhou University
Yi-Jung Yang Sun Yat-Sen University
Liu, Yihan Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Hao, Longfei YNAO
Pan, Zhichen NAOC First Result from Reprocessing PMPS Data
Ma, Qingchuan Department of Astronomy, Peking University
Wang, Pei NAOC Pulsar searches of Fermi sources with FAST
Pablo M. Saz Parkinson LSR, The University of Hong Kong & SCIPP, Santa Cruz One decade of pulsar studies with Fermi
Brent Limyansky SCIPP, The University of California & LSR, The University of Hong Kong Searching for Soft Pulsars with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
DAI Zi-Gao Nanjing University Models for three counterparts to GW170817
Hu, Xuzhi SHAO, ShanghaiTech An investigation report of the Pulsar Research with MWA
Wu, Donghao 中国科学院云南天文台
Wang, Weihua Central China Normal University, Wuhan
Liu, Lei Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS The search and localization of single pulses
Wu, Yajun Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
Bai, Juntao 贵州师范大学
Ge, Kang 贵州师范大学
Jianling, Chen Yuncheng college
Bihai, Hong 丽水学院