
Scientific Program of FAST/Future Pulsar Symposium 7

July 4-6, 2018, Mingquanju Conference Center/Guangzhou University, Guangzhou

 (Language: English or Chinese; but the presentation is suggested to be written in English)


===== Tuesday, July 3 =====

Registration (the lobby of Building Azure, Mingquanju Conf. Center,鸣泉居会议中心碧天楼)

===== Wednesday, July 4 =====

10:00 -- 12:00 Registration (the lobby of Building Azure, Mingquanju Conf. Center,鸣泉居会议中心碧天楼)

----- Lunch time -----

Chair: Renxin Xu (20min = 15+5)(Kylin Meeting Hall 麒麟会议厅)

14:00 -- 14:20 Wenming Yan: Quasi-periodic modulation in the Q-mode of PSR J1825-0935

*14:20 -- 14:40 Feifei Kou: The spin-down and mode changes associated with glitch activity (B2035+36)

14:40 -- 15:00 Zhen Yan: Pulsar studies with Shanghai Tian Ma Radio Telescope

*15:00 -- 15:20 Rushuang Zhao: 5GHz TMRT observations of 71 pulsars

*15:20 -- 15:40 Jie Liu: Pulsar timing progress at TMRT


15:40 -- 16:00 Group photograph and Coffee Break


Chair: Stephen Ng (20min = 15+5)

16:00 -- 16:20 Pablo M. Saz Parkinson: One decade of pulsar studies with Fermi

16:20 -- 16:40 Pei Wang: Pulsar searches of Fermi sources with FAST

*16:40 -- 17:00 Zhichen Pan: FAST Drift Scan Pulsar Survey

*17:00 -- 17:20 Jiguang Lu: Single Pulse Observation with FAST

*17:20 -- 17:40 Xuzhi Hu: An investigation report of the Pulsar Research with MWA


Banquet, 18:00 – 20:00 (Grace Hall at Blue Sea Mansion,碧海楼二楼碧丽厅)


===== Thursday, July 5 =====

Chair: Hongguang Wang (20min = 15+5)

08:30 -- 08:50 Stephen Ng: Radio observations of pulsar wind nebulae

*08:50 -- 09:10 Shuxu Yi: Probing the properties of the pulsar wind via studying the dispersive effects in the pulses from the pulsar companion in a double neutron-star binary system

*09:10 -- 09:30 Linli Yan: The evolution properties of the Crab pulsar

*09:30 -- 09:50 Weiyang Wang: Pulsar giant pulse: coherent instability near light cylinder


09:50 -- 10:20        Coffee Break


Chair: Biping Gong (20min = 15+5)

10:20 -- 10:40 Pak Hin Tam:The hour-timescale GeV flares of PSR B1259-63 in 2017

*10:40 -- 11:00 Yudong Cui: Leaked GeV CRs from the broken shell of SNR W28

11:00 -- 11:20 Xiaoping Zheng: Modes of neutron star and mountain-induced gravitational wave radiation

11:20 -- 11:40 Xia Zhou: R-mode instability and related observations

*11:40 -- 12:00 Yubing Wang: Effect of the equation of state on the r-mode instability of strange stars

----- Lunch time -----

Chair: Yongfeng Huang (20min = 15+5)

14:00 -- 14:20 Hao Tong: Rotational evolution of magnetars in the presence of a fallback disk

14:20 -- 14:40 Xiongwei Liu: The radiation of pulsars with fall-back disks

*14:40 -- 15:00 Huihui Wang: Magnetar-like outburst from high-magnetic field radio pulsar PSR J1119-6127

15:00 -- 15:20 Biping Gong: Searching for compact binary pulsars

*15:20 -- 15:40 Enping Zhou: Differentially rotating quark stars and post-merger signal


15:40 -- 16:10        Coffee Break


Chair: Yefei Yuan (20min = 15+5)

16:10 -- 16:30 Jumpei Takata: Millisecond pulsar binary of Fermi-era

16:30 -- 16:50 Fupeng Zhang: The scattering of FRBs by the intergalactic medium

16:50 -- 17:10 Minglei Tong: The construction of ensemble pulsar time-scale and its possible application

17:10 -- 17:30 Hongguang Wang: On the emission beam of radio pulsars

17:30 -- 17:50 Lei Liu: The search and localization of single pulses


===== Friday, July 6 =====

Chair: Li Zhang (20min = 15+5)

08:30 -- 08:50 Yongfeng Huang: Bow shock emission model for the white dwarf pulsar AR Scorpii

08:50 -- 09:10 Zhaosheng Li: The absorption edge in a PRE burst from GRS 1747-312/Terzan 6

09:10 -- 09:50 Announcement of Crab and Vela Prizes


09:50 -- 10:20        Coffee Break


Chair: Xiaoping Zheng (20min = 15+5)

10:20 -- 10:40 Zigao Dai: Models for three counterparts to GW170817

10:40 -- 11:00 Ang Li: Dense matter EOS from terrestrial nuclear measurements and astrophysical constraints

11:00 -- 11:20 Xiaoyu Lai: Pulsar glitches in a strangeon star model

11:40 -- 12:00 Renxin Xu: GW170817 and strong matter


----- Lunch time -----


NOTE for talks (20min =15+5)

The chair would remind the speaker “3 min” after talking for 12 minutes.


NOTE for Dining Service: at Blue Sea Mansion, Mingquanju Conference Center (鸣泉居会议中心碧海楼)

Buffet Breakfast:     07:00—10:00     2nd or 4th floor at Blue Sea Mansion

Buffet Lunch:          12:00—13:30     Bilong Hall, 3rd floor at Blue Sea Mansion (碧海楼三楼碧泷厅)

Buffet Dinner:         18:00—19:30     Bilong Hall, 3rd floor at Blue Sea Mansion


Score suggested for the members in ad hoc committee

Crab: 85~95, Vela: 75~85