
The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), as the largest single dish radio telescope, has discovered plenty of weak and distant pulsars, and has obtained accurate TOAs. In addition, the high signal-to-noise ratio pulse profiles, especially the single pulses and their short time scale structures, can reveal the dynamical processes in the pulsar magnetosphere. Therefore, supported by the Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey (CRAFTS), we organise this internal symposium "FPS spectial: Magnetospheric Dynamics", in order to promote the study on magnetospheric particle acceleration and radiation mechanism with FAST data.

We sincerely invite you to share your knowledge, experiences and also ideas for the coming FAST proposal application. The symposium is scheduled to be held at Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel (北京香山饭店) during Oct 11-13, 2019. (Checking in on the night of 11th. meeting on 12th morning, 12th afternoon and 13th morning. Departure on 13th afternoon.) The accommodation price is RMB 580/room/day. If you want to share room with another participant, please inform the LOC in advance.

Please email the following information:

* Accommodation Dates
* Abstract
* Whether to apply for accommodation and transportation subsidy from the LOC