Scientific Program of FPS Special: Magnetospheric Dynamics

Oct. 11-13, 2019; Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel (FHH, 北京香山饭店), Beijing

 (Language: English or Chinese; but the presentation is suggested to be written in English)


===== Friday, Oct. 11 =====

15:00 -- 17:00 Registration (the lobby of FHH, 香山饭店前台)

----- Dinner: 18:00 – 20:00 (1st floor cafeteria, 一层自助餐厅) -----


===== Saturday, Oct. 12; 3rd room on the 2nd floor (二层第三会议室) =====

Chair: Renxin Xu (25min = 20+5, to remind the speaker “5 min” after talking for 15 minutes!)

08:30 -- 08:55 Hongguang Wang: 射电辐射束模型的研究进展

08:55 -- 09:20 Kejia Lee: Precession and pulsar radiation beam

09:20 -- 09:45 R. T. Gangadhara: Collective Radio Emission due to Relativistic Plasma

09:45 -- 10:20 Tea Break

Chair: Di Li (25min = 20+5, to remind the speaker “5 min” after talking for 15 minutes!)

10:20 -- 10:45 Rai Yuen: Changes in spin-down rate and understanding intermittent pulsars with FAST

10:45 -- 11:10 Weihua Wang: Delayed spin ups of the Crab pulsar as a possible signature of superfluid PBF

11:10 -- 11:35 Weiyang Wang: On the time–frequency downward drifting of repeating FRBs

11:35 -- 12:00 Jincheng Jiang: FRB 171019: An event of binary neutron star merger?

----- Lunch time (11:30-; 1st floor cafeteria, 一层自助餐厅) -----

Chair: Youling Yue (25min = 20+5, to remind the speaker “5 min” after talking for 15 minutes!)

14:30 -- 14:55 Jingtao Luo: 亚纳秒级时间分辨率的单脉冲观测技术

14:55 -- 15:20 Wenming Yan: Periodic mode changing in PSR J1048-5832

15:20 -- 15:45 Shuangqiang Wang: 毫秒脉冲星的模式变换

15:45 -- 16:20 Tea Break and Group photograph

Chair: Kejia Lee (25min = 20+5, to remind the speaker “5 min” after talking for 15 minutes!)

16:20 -- 16:45 Zhen Yan: FAST和天马望远镜研究脉冲星磁层和辐射的一些思考

16:45 -- 17:10 Weiwei Zhu: Status of CRAFTS pulsar search

17:10 -- 17:35 Jiguang Lu: 脉冲星辐射中的精细结构与极冠区物理

17:35 -- 18:00 Xiaojing Lin: 三颗脉冲星(B1641-45、B1648-42和B1857-26)子脉冲特性的观测研究

----- Dinner: 18:00 – 20:00 (1st floor cafeteria, 一层自助餐厅) -----


===== Sunday, Oct. 13; 3rd room on the 2nd floor (二层第三会议室) =====

Chair: Zhen Yan (25min = 20+5, to remind the speaker “5 min” after talking for 15 minutes!)

08:30 -- 08:55 Hao Tong: Large polar caps for twisted magnetosphere of magnetars

08:55 -- 09:20 Feifei Kou: The main-interpulse interaction of PSR B1929+10

09:20 -- 09:45 Shuang Du: What can GRB internal plateau tell us?

09:45 -- 10:20 Tea Break

Chair: Hongguang Wang (25min = 20+5, to remind the speaker “5 min” after talking for 15 minutes!)

10:20 -- 10:45 Xiaoyu Lai: Strangeon star model and its observational tests

10:45 -- 11:10 Chengjun Xia: Nonuniform nuclear matter in a strong magnetic field

11:10 -- 11:35 Enping Zhou: To constrain pulsar mass in the era of multi-messenger astronomy

11:35 -- 12:00 Renxin Xu: Closing Remarks

----- Lunch time (11:30-; 1st floor cafeteria, 一层自助餐厅), and going back -----


Note: 7:00-9:00 for breakfast (1st floor cafeteria, 一层自助餐厅)