Welcome to the homepage of Dr. Xu, RenxinORCID
Personal Statements
Interests: Particle astrophysics
(e.g., for pulsars, see below)
¡°What if normal baryonic matter
is compressed so tightly that atomic nuclei come in to close contact?¡± (An
introduction to the problem I am focusing on during the summer camp for
excellent undergraduates, held in the school of physics at Peking University,
July 12, 2021)
Let's listen to the Vela pulsar (the sound of Vela) in radio band ... You are also invited going to the page of Pular Group at PKU.
the former develops in hadron degrees of freedom, while the latter is relevant to quark degrees (and especially with the strangeness). Can we find hard observational evidence to rule out that pulsars are neutron stars or strangeon stars? This is certainly one of the big questions in the coming years, maybe the first one to be solved in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy.
Strange matter in the Universe: the many faces
Particle Astrophysics translated by Xiaoyu Lai, Guoyin Chen and Renxin Xu
Pulsar Physics by Xinji Wu, Guojun Qiao and Renxin Xu
Welcome to FPS series of meeting, and to the conferences which you may also be interested in:
FPS Pulsar
Symposium 13 (FPS13; 2024.7.14-16. Proceedings)
Dialogue at the
Dream Field: Supranuclear Matter (DDF2024; 2024.5.10-15)
Quarks and
Compact Stars (QCS2023; 2023.9.23-26)
FPS Pulsar
Symposium 12 (FPS12; 2023.7.4-6. Proceedings)
¡°ÒÔÌìÖ®Óï ½âÎïÖ®µÀ¡± (2023.6.26-27)
Quakes: from the
Earth to Stars (2023.5.20-23)
FPS Pulsar
Symposium 11 (FPS11; 2022.7.6-8. Proceedings)
FPS Pulsar Symposium 10 (FPS10; 2021.7.13-15. Proceedings)
FPS Pulsar Symposium 9 (FPS9; 2020.8.28-30. Proceedings)
FPS Pulsar Symposium special: magnetospheric dynamics (FPS2019; 2019.10.11-13)
Quarks and Compact Stars (QCS2019; 2019.9.26-28)
FPS Pulsar Symposium 8 (FPS8; 2019.6.26-28. Proceedings)
FPS Pulsar Symposium 7 (FPS7; 2018.7.4-6. Proceedings)
FPS Pulsar Symposium 6 (FPS6; 2017.6.28-30. Proceedings)
KIAA-WAP II: Cosmic Rays in a New Era (APh_II; 2017.8.17-19)
Quarks and Compact Stars (QCS2017; 2017.2.20-22)
FAST Pulsar Symposium 5 (FPS5; 2016.7.5-8. Proceedings)
Compact stars in the QCD phase diagram (5) (2016.5.23-27)
KIAA Workshop on Astroparticle Physics (APh; 2015.9.28-29)
FAST Pulsar Symposium 4 (FPS4; 2015.7.3-5. Proceedings)
Quarks and Compact Stars (QCS2014; 2014.10.20-22. Proceedings)
Compact stars in the QCD phase diagram (4) (2014.9.26-30)
FAST Pulsar Symposium 3 (FPS3; 2014.7.2-4. Proceedings)
FAST Pulsar Symposium 2 (FPS2; 2013.7.1-3. Proceedings)
Compact stars in the QCD phase diagram (3) (2012.12.12-15)
Neutron Stars and Pulsars: Challenges and Opportunities after 80 Years (IAUS291; 2012.8.20-24)
FAST Pulsar Symposium 1 (FPS1; 2012.8.13-16. Proceedings)
Compact stars in the QCD phase diagram (2) (2009.5.20-24)
CCAST Workshop on dense matter and neutron stars (2003.10.20-24)
I am teaching three courses these years, two (Astrophysics & Atomic physics) for undergraduates and one (Physics of compact stars) for graduates. The book "Introduction to Astrophysics" was written during my teaching of astrophysics.
The schedule of the Astrophysics course (one semester)
The schedule of the Atomic-physics course (one semester)