photo 脉冲星为大质量恒星演化残骸,以极端物理环境(高密度、强电磁场和引力场等)而著称。她的存在,不仅有助于理解宇宙中丰富而有趣的天文现象,而且是检验基本物理规律(如时空的本质和强作用的非微扰行为等)的关键场所,并会协助人类打开纳赫兹引力波天文窗口。除了这些科学意义外,脉冲星研究还具有时间标准、导航等工程学应用价值。鉴于此,脉冲星研究成为中国FAST、HMXT和国际SKA等若干大型天文设备的核心科学之一。

A pulsar, known for its extremely high density, electromagnetic field and gravity, is the rump left behind after a supernova explosion of an evolved massive star. Pulsars are not only interesting objects for us to understand various astronomical phenomena, but also testbed for fundamental laws (e.g., the nature of gravitational and strong forces) and tools to detect nano-Hz gravitational wave. Besides science, pulsar study is meaningful for time standard as well as navigation. Advanced facilities (e.g., FAST, HXMT and SKA) are thus focus on pulsar sciences.


Radio astronomy plays an important role in astronomy and astrophysics, in the past, now and in the future. Chinese FAST, the biggest single-dish radio telescope to be built, will not only promote science and technology in China but also be beneficial to world-wide scientists of radio astronomy. Focusing on the scientific goals that FAST could achieve in the future, the National Basic Research Program of China has founded a project (so-called “973 project”) to do science around FAST. As part of the project, the pulsar group is organizing annual meeting to gather pulsar astronomers to exchange ideas on recent developments, provoke discussion and foster collaboration. Even after finishing the 973 project, we are continuing the annual FPS meeting.


Additionally, FPS proceedings would be printed after FPS meetings. Participants are invited to present concisely her/his academic reviews of the last year.

We would like to organize FPS (FAST Pulsar Symposium) series every year. Previous meetings could be found below

Chang, Hsiang-Kuang National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu
Gong, Biping Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan
Hao, Longfei Yunnan Observatories, CAS, Kunming
Huang, Yongfeng Nanjing University, Nanjing
Ng, Stephen The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Song, Liming Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing
Wang, Hongguang Guangzhou University, Guangzhou
Xu, Renxin Peking University, Beijing
Yuan, Jianping Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Urumqi
Yuan, Yefei University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei
Yue, Youling National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, Beijing
Yan, Zhen Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai
Zhang, Li Yunnan University, Kunming
Zheng, Xiaoping Central China Normal University, Wuhan
奖项 姓名 报告题目
Crab Shuxu Yi (Hong-Kong Univ.) A new approach to the GeV flare of PSR B1259-63/LS2883
Vela Yulan Liu (China West Normal Univ.) Astrometry, timing irregularities and pulse profile of the PSR J1705−1906
Vela Enping Zhou (Peking Univ.) The properties of Hyper-/Supra-massive compact stars in BNS mergers

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