Scientific Program of FAST/Future Pulsar Symposium 6

June 28-30, 2017, Hetian Hotel/Hubei University of Education, Wuhan

 (Language: English or Chinese; but the presentation is suggested to be written in English)


===== Wednesday, June 28 =====

10:00 -- 12:00 Registration (the lobby of Hetian Hotel,荷田酒店大厅)

13:30          To assemble at the lobby of Hetian Hotel and to leave for HUE

13:30 -- 14:00 Registration (湖北二师行政楼5号会议室)

Conference Opening (in the No. 5 meeting room of Hubei University of Education)

14:00 -- 14:10 Taking a photograph of participants

14:10 -- 14:20 Welcome address


Chair: Renxin Xu (20min = 15+5)

14:20 -- 14:40 Hsiang-Kuang Chang: A next-generation Compton telescope: Compton Spectrometer & Imager

*14:40 -- 15:00 Hsiung-Tseng Chao: Observation of the Crab in the COSI 2016 flight

15:00 -- 15:20 Yuanjie Du: Long-term variations of X-ray pulse profiles for the Crab pulsar

*15:20 -- 15:40 Hancheng Li: POLAR: Crab Pulsar Detection


15:40 -- 16:00        Coffee Break


Chair: Li Zhang (20min = 15+5)

16:00 -- 16:20 Stephen Ng: Measuring the Surface Temperature of High Magnetic Field Radio Pulsars

*16:20 -- 16:40 Rushuang Zhao: TMRT observations of 26 pulsars at 8.6 GHz

*16:40 -- 17:00 Jie Liu: H maser residual correction for TMRT Timing

*17:00 -- 17:20 Zhichen Pan: 并行运行PRESTO搜索流程的尝试和结果


Banquet, 18:00 – 20:00 (in the dinning room of Hetian Hotel)


===== Thursday, July 29 =====

No.7 meeting room of Hetian Hotel

Chair: Stephen Ng (20min = 15+5)

08:30 -- 08:50 Li Zhang: 伽马射线脉冲星研究现状

*08:50 -- 09:10 Jing Zhao: Mode Change of the gamma-ray pulsar PSR J2021+4026

*09:10 -- 09:30 Yulan Liu: Astrometry, timing irregularities and pulse profile of the PSR J1705−1906

*09:30 -- 09:50 Enping Zhou: The properties of Hyper-/Supra-massive compact stars in BNS mergers


09:50 -- 10:20        Coffee Break


Chair: Biping Gong (20min = 15+5)

10:20 -- 10:40 Xiaoping Zheng: Neutron Stars Surrounded by Dark Matter

10:40 -- 11:00 Yongfeng Huang: Searching for strange quark planets around pulsars

*11:00 -- 11:20 Shuxu Yi: A new approach to the GeV flare of PSR B1259-63/LS2883

*11:20 -- 11:40 Mao Yuan: Supernova Neutrino in a Strangeon Star Model

*11:40 -- 12:00 Jiguang Lu: Why strangeon matter be “superluminal”?

----- Lunch time -----

Chair: Yongfeng Huang (20min = 15+5)

14:00 -- 14:20 Chengmin Zhang: 脉冲星发现50年,那些往事与重要进展

*14:20 -- 14:40 Yuanpei Yang: Pulsars as Probes of Fundamental Physics

*14:40 -- 15:00 Zheng Wang: A Liquid Drop Model of Strangeon Matter

15:00 -- 15:20 Xiaofeng Cao: Modeling the Redshift and Energy Distributions of Fast Radio Bursts

*15:20 -- 15:40 Rui Luo: Simulating dispersion measure of FRB host galaxies to derive luminosity function


15:40 -- 16:10        Coffee Break


Chair: Hongguang Wang (20min = 15+5)

16:10 -- 16:30 Yunwei Yu: Constraining the Age of a Magnetar Possibly Associated with FRB 121102

16:30 -- 16:50 Hao Tong: Wind braking of pulsars: evolution of the braking index

16:50 -- 17:10 Lin Lin: Recent Research Achievements of Magnetars

17:10 -- 17:30 Hao Shan: Compressed sensing based Pulsar profiles denoising and de-dispersion


===== Friday, June 30 =====

No.7 meeting room of Hetian Hotel

Chair: Hsiang-Kuang Chang (20min = 15+5)

08:30 -- 08:50 Xia Zhou: Dependence of pulsar death line on the equation of state

08:50 -- 09:10 Zhifu Gao: The spin-down and magnetic field evolutions of PSR J1734-3333

09:10 -- 09:50 Announcement of Crab and Vela Prizes


09:50 -- 10:20        Coffee Break


Chair: Xiaoping Zheng (20min = 15+5)

10:20 -- 10:40 Youling Yue: FAST: Recent Progress

10:40 -- 11:00 Zhen Yan: Pulsar Studies with Shanghai Tian Ma Radio Telescope

11:00 -- 11:20 Yan Wang: PTA-Based Search for Supermassive BH Binaries in Square Kilometer Array Era

11:20 -- 11:40 Weiwei Zhu: Testing Gravitational Symmetries with Pulsars

11:40 -- 12:00 Renxin Xu: Strangeness in Compact Stars


----- Lunch time -----


NOTE for talks (20min =15+5)

The chair would remind the speaker “3 min” after talking for 12 minutes.


NOTE for Dining Service: at the first floor of Hetian Hotel (荷田酒店一楼芙蓉阁)

Buffet Breakfast:         07:00—08:30

Buffet Lunch:                12:00—13:00

Buffet Dinner:                18:00—19:00


Score suggested for the members in ad hoc committee

Crab: 85~95, Vela: 75~85