Scientific rational

Pulsars are not only interersting objects for us to understand various astronomical phenomena, but also testbed for fundamental laws as well as tool for detecting nHz gravitational waves. Annual FPS series are to promote this pulsar research, gathering pulsar astronomers to exchange ideas on recent developments, provoke discussion, and foster collaboration.

From this year, FPS Prize would be announced during meeting. Winners (one Crab Prize and Two Vela Prizes) are selected from the FPS speakers of students and postdoc fellows, by an ad hoc committee.

Previous meetings

 FPS1 ( in Xinjiang
 FPS2 ( in Kunming
 FPS3 ( in Shanghai
 FPS4 ( in Inner Mongolia
 FPS5 ( in Zunyi Guizhou

QTT2017 and FPS6 will be held in the same place. When registration, please make your choice for attending only FPS or both FPS and QTT.