Scientific Program of FAST/Future Pulsar Symposium 9

August 28-30, 2020, Xiamen University, Xiamen

 ===== Thursday (pm), August 27 =====

4:00 -- 6:00 Registration (Xiamen Aqua Resort 厦门五缘水乡3号楼酒店前台)


 ===== Friday (pm), August 28 =====

1:50 Opening (Li Ang; Fang Taotao)

Chair: Dai, Zigao (20min = 15+5)

2:00-2:20 Huang, Yongfeng: Energy injection from the central magnetar and its effect on the GRB afterglow

2:20-2:40 Zhang, Binbin: GRB 200415A: A Short Gamma-Ray Burst from a Magnetar Giant Flare?

2:40-3:00 Lai, Xiaoyu: Merging strangeon stars: the ejecta and light curve

*3:00-3:20 Liu, LiangduanConstraining the Long-lived Magnetar Remnants in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts from Late-time Radio Observations

*3:20-3:40 Zhang, Nai-Bo (online): GW190814's secondary component with mass (2.50 − 2.67) Msun as a super-fast pulsar

*3:40-4:00 Deng, Zhuling (online): On the Formation of PSR J1640+2224: A Neutron Star Born Massive?

Break/Coffee/registration (4:00-4:30 pm)

Chair: Xu, Renxin (20min = 15+5)

*4:30-4:50 Men, Yunpeng: TransientX: A New High Performance Transient Search Software

*4:50-5:10 Wang, Weiyang: On the magnetospheric origin of Repeating Fast Radio Bursts

*5:10-5:30 Zhang, Yongkun: Periodic analysis of FRB121102

*5:30-5:50 Liu, Zenan: Repeating FRB from the pulsar-asteroid belt collision: frequency drifting and polarization

*5:50-6:10 Deng, Furen (online): Tianlai Dish Array Multi-Beam Forming

Dinner (6:10pm-)

===== Saturday (am), August 29 =====

Chair: Li, Di (20min = 15+5)

8:00-8:20 Luo, Jintao: Pulsar Observations and Techniques at NTSC

8:20-8:40 Pan, Zhichen: FAST Globular Cluster Pulsar Survey & High DM Millisecond Candidate Sifting

*8:40-9:00 Kou, Feifei: Periodic and Phase-locked Modulation in PSR B1929+10 Observed with FAST

*9:00-9:20 Zhang, Lei: Pulsar Observation and Study with FAST and Parkes Radio Telescope

*9:20-9:40 Yao, Jumei: The first evidence for three-dimensional spin-velocity alignment in pulsars

*9:40-10:00 Xie, Jintao (online): The radial distribution of pulsar in Galaxy

Break Break/Coffee/Workshop photo (10:00-10:30 am)

Chair: Zhu, Weiwei (20min = 15+5)

10:30-10:50 Wang, Hongguang:Pulsar Population Synthesis with the Fan Beam model

10:50-11:10 Lu, Jiguang: Polarization and Radiation Geometry of PSR B1937+21


*11:10-11:30 Zhu, Yiyuan: Soft gamma-ray emissions from the polar cap cascade region

*11:30-11:50 Li, Hao: Software Realization of Data Processing in the Digital Terminal of Coherent Dedispersive Pulsar

*11:50-12:10 Wang, Shuangqiang (online): The two emission states of PSR B1534+12



===== Saturday (pm), August 29 =====

Chair: Wang, Hongguang (20min = 15+5)

2:00-2:20 Shao, LijingNew graviton mass bound from binary pulsars

*2:20-2:40 Xu, RuiX-ray pulse profile of scalarized neutron stars in massive scalar-tensor theory of gravitation

*2:40-3:00 Miao, XueliTests of Conservation Laws in Post-Newtonian Gravity with Binary Pulsars

*3:00-3:20 Gao, YongTriaxially-deformed Freely-precessing Neutron Stars: Continuous electromagnetic and gravitational radiation

*3:20-3:40 Liu, Mengxu: Coalescing Binary Neutron Star Systems Under a Three-Dimension Gravitational-Wave Detector

*3:40-4:00 Zhu, Zhenyu (online): Tidal deformability and gravitational-wave phase evolution of magnetised compact-star binaries

Break/Coffee (4:00-4:30 pm)

Chair: Huang, Yongfeng (20min = 15+5)

4:30-4:50 Zhang, Jie: Detecting new glitches using data from Parkes 64-m radio telescope

4:50-5:10 Dong, JianminNeutron star superfluidity and cooling

*5:10-5:30 Wang, WeihuaPulsar glitch activity in a strangeon star model

*5:30-5:50 Wu, Xuhao: What if the neutron star maximum mass is beyond ~2.3 Msun?

*5:50-6:10 Zhou, Zurong (online): Glitches detected at Nanshan and pta Simulated results

Dinner (6:10pm-)

===== Sunday (am), August 30 =====

Chair: Gong, Biping (30min = 25+5; 25min=20+5)

8:00-8:30 Dai, Zigao: 快速射电暴的起源研究

Announcement of Crab and Vela Prizes

8:50-9:15 Zhang, Shuangnan (online): SGR1935: HXMT

9:15-9:40 Lee, Kejia: SGR1935: FAST

Break/Coffee (9:40-10:10 am)

Chair: Li, Ang (20min = 15+5)

10:10-10:30 Xu, Renxin: Light-quark flavours in a triangle

10:30-10:50 Tong, Hao: Large polar caps for twisted magnetosphere of magnetars

10:50-11:10 Li, Zhaosheng: Accreting Millisecond X-ray Pulsar: X-ray outburst observations

11:10-11:30 Shang, Xinle (online): Nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations and their influence on neutron star

11:30-11:50 Hu, jinniu (online): The investigation of secondary compact object in GW190814 with DDRMF model

11:50-12:10 Xia, Chengjun (online): Supercritically charged objects and electron-positron pair creation

Closing (Li, Di)

Lunch (12:20pm-)