Scientific Program of FAST/Future Pulsar Symposium 10

July 13-15, 2021, Qilu Normal University (QNU), Jinan, Shandong

 (Language: English or Chinese; but the presentation is suggested to be written in English)


===== Tuesday, July 13 =====

10:00 -- 12:00 Registration (the lobby of Ramada Jinan, 济南市华美达酒店前台)


----- Lunch time -----


Chair: Renxin Xu (15min = 12+3)

14:00 -- 14:05 Opening

14:05 -- 14:20 Pan, Zhichen: FAST Observation on LS-I 61303

*14:20 -- 14:35 Jumei Yao: Interstellar scintillation and polarization of PSR B0656+14 in the Monogem ring

*14:35 -- 14:50 Wucheng Huang: Study of the first irregular eclipsing black widow pulsar J1326-4728B

*14:50 -- 15:05 Xiaojin Liu: The pulse-shape variability and timing residuals of PSR B1937+21

*15:05 -- 15:20 Jie Liu: Pulse profile variations associated with the glitch of PSR B2021+51 (poster)

*15:20 -- 15:35 Xin Xu: A systematic study on frequency evolution behavior of pulsar pulse profiles


15:35 -- 16:15 Group photograph and Coffee Break


Chair: Yefei Yuan (15min = 12+3)

16:15 -- 16:30 Xingjiang Zhu: The synergy between gravitational-wave astronomy and pulsar astronomy

*16:30 -- 16:45 Heng Xu:Progresses of Chinese Pulsar Timing Array

*16:45 -- 17:00 Nicolas Caballero: Search for a gravitational-wave background by the European Pulsar Timing Array: Examination of a common red signal

*17:00 -- 17:15 Miao, Xueli: Stringent Tests of Gravity with Highly Relativistic Binary Pulsars in the Era of LISA and SKA

*17:15 -- 17:30 Zhipeng Huang: Simultaneous 2.25/8.60 GHz observations of the newly discovered magnetar - Swift J1818.0-1607



Dinner, 18:00 – 19:00



===== Wednesday, July 14 =====


Chair: Biping Gong (15min = 12+3)

08:30 -- 08:45 Jumpei Takata: X-ray study for MeV pulsars

*08:45 -- 00:00 Zhehao Zhang: The influence of the observational strategies and timing noise on the properties of pulsar clocks

*09:00 -- 09:15 Mengna Han: 基于脉冲星的X射线计时分析

*09:15 -- 09:30 Haitao Huang: Breaking index and the evolution of PSR B0950+08

*09:30 -- 09:45 Wang, Shuangqiang: Emission variation study of some millisecond pulsars using FAST


09:45 -- 10:15 Coffee Break


Chair: Li Zhang (15min = 12+3)

10:15 -- 10:30 Di Li: Toward A Kant's View of FRBs (photo)

*10:30 -- 10:45 Weiyang Wang: Repeating FRBs: Suddenly and violently sporadic sparking at magnetosphere

*10:45 -- 11:00 Chenhui Niu: The new FRBs discovered in CRAFTS project

*11:00 -- 11:15 Yi Feng: Polarization measurements of FRB 190303 and FRB 190520

*11:15 -- 11:30 Chunfeng Zhang: Fast radio burst detection in the presence of coloured noise

*11:30 -- 11:45 Zhang, Yongkun: The Stochastic Nature of FRB121102


----- Lunch time -----


Chair: Youling Yue (15min = 12+3)

14:00 -- 14:15 Ruoyu Liu: Morphology of Gamma-Ray Halos around Middle-aged Pulsars: Influence of the Pulsar Proper Motion

*14:15 -- 14:30 Lei Zhang: Unraveling the Mysteries of Pulsars in Globular Clusters

*14:30 -- 14:45 Qiancheng Liu: Search Pulsars in SNRs and PWNe with FAST

*14:45 -- 15:00 Mengyao Xue: Southern Pulsar Census and Polarimetric Studies with the MWA

*15:00 -- 15:15 Mengting Liu: Tiny-scale Atomic Structure Discovered toward PSR B1557–50


15:15 -- 15:45 Coffee Break


Chair: Xiaoping Zheng (15min = 12+3)

15:45 -- 16:00 Jianmin Dong: 核物质状态方程,超流性及其在中子星物理中的应用

*16:00 -- 16:15 Yong Gao: Rotation and deformation of strangeon stars in the Lennard Jones model

*16:15 -- 16:30 Zhiqiang Miao: Constraints on the Maximum Mass of Neutron Stars with a Quark Core from LIGO/Virgo and NICER

*16:30 -- 16:45 Shangming Chen: Multi-wavelength study on high-mass gamma-ray binaries

*16:45 -- 17:00 Zhengli Wang: Radiation characteristics for B0950+08 and it's baseline analysis


Dinner, 18:00 – 20:00




===== Thursday, July 15 =====


Chair: Kejia Lee (15min = 12+3, 30min = 25+5)

08:30 -- 08:45 Lijing Shao: Testing Dipole Radiation with Neutron Stars (photo 1 2 3)

08:45 -- 09:00 Xiaoping Zheng: Implications of slow rise in Glitches

09:00 -- 09:30 Li Zhang (特邀):我与伽马射线脉冲星 (photo)

09:30 -- 09:45 Announcement of Crab and Vela Prizes





09:45 -- 10:15 Coffee Break


Chair: Jianping Yuan (15min = 12+3)

10:15 -- 10:30 Abdujappar Rusul: State-switching Mechanism of Intermittent Pulsars

10:30 -- 11:45 Pei Wang: A bimodal burst energy distribution of a repeating FRB source

10:45 -- 11:00 Hao Tong: Rotating vector model for magnetars

11:00 -- 11:15 Wencong Chen: Ultracompact binary pulsars as continuous dual-line gravitational wave sources

11:15 -- 11:30 Yunwei Yu: 新生毫秒磁星的观测效应

11:30 -- 11:45 Qiuhe Peng: 磁星高X光度的物理机制


----- Lunch time -----


Chair: Longfei Hao (15min = 12+3)

14:00 -- 14:15 Fayin Wang: 快速射电暴的研究进展

14:15 -- 14:30 Hou, Shujin: The Plateau in X-ray Afterglow Providing a Evidence for Magnetars as the GRB Central Engine

14:30 -- 14:45 Jiguang Lu: Correlation in pulsar study

14:45 -- 15:00 Yan Xu: 天文观测对中子星内部结构的可能约束

15:00 -- 15:15 Wenjie Xie: Bayesian Inference of the Symmetry Energy of Superdense Neutron-rich Matter from Future Radius Measurements of Massive Neutron Stars


15:15 -- 15:45 Coffee Break


Chair: Zhen Yan(15min = 12+3)

15:45 -- 16:00 Shan Chang: Trajectories and radiation of charged particles in the pulsar magnetosphere

16:00 -- 16:15 Helei Liu: Thermal Evolution of NS with Pion Condensation: Possible Fast Cooling in a Low-Symmetry-Energy Model

16:15 -- 16:30 Shuhua Yang: Constraints from compact star observations on non-Newtonian gravity in strange stars

16:30 -- 16:45 Chengjun Xia: On the surface treatment of quark matter and quark stars

16:45 -- 17:00 Zhaosheng Li: Burning transitions after a superburst in Aql X-1 / FPS11




NOTE for talks (20min = 15+5)

The chair would remind the speaker “2 min” after talking for 10 minutes.


Score suggested for the members in ad hoc committee

Crab: 85~95, Vela: 75~85