Scientific Program of FAST/Future Pulsar Symposium 12
July 4-6, 2023, Nanyang Normal University (NNU), Nanyang Hotel (南阳宾馆), Henan
(Language: English or Chinese; but the presentation is suggested to be written in English)
===== Tuesday, July 4 =====
09:00 -- 11:30 Arrival & Registration
(Joint sessions with SPSS’23)
Chair: 张 力 (15min = 12+3)
13:58 -- 14:00 仪 式:升FPS会议旗帜
14:00 -- 14:15 蔡沿庆: Parkes UWL observation of the "swooshes" of PSRJ0614+2229
14:15 -- 14:30 刘雨兰: Interstellar scintillation of EPTA pulsars
14:30 -- 14:45 陈语桐: Title: Periodic nulling of long-period pulsar: single pulse study of PSR J1909+0122
14:45 -- 15:00 崔翔翰: Statistical tests of young radio pulsars with/without supernova remnants: implying
two origins of neutron stars
15:00 -- 15:15 邓 晨: Pseudo-redshifts of Gamma-Ray Bursts Derived from the L–T–E Correlation
15:15 -- 15:30 杜泽昕: Constraining the masses and mass-loss rates of the companions of three black
widow pulsars
15:30 -- 15:45 冯文凡: 银盘双中子星的引力波和射电波观测
15:45 -- 16:15 Group Photograph and Coffee Break
Chair: 郑小平 (15min = 12+3)
16:15 -- 16:30 高端塬: Tidal deformability of compact stars admixed with scalar fields
16:30 -- 16:45 胡泽昕: Prospects of testing dark matter model with pulsar around Sgr A*
16:45 -- 17:00 黄志鹏: Simultaneous 2.25/8.60 GHz observations of the magnetar XTE J1810-197
17:00 -- 17:15 李保达: Studys of timing and scintillation for pulsars in M3
17:15 -- 17:30 李洪波: Strangeon star oscillations and quasi-periodic oscillations during magnetar flares
17:30 -- 17:45 李 威: Glitch correlated emission variation of two pulsars
17:45 -- 18:00 林 杰: An X-ray-dim “Isolated” Neutron Star in a Binary?
晚宴 18:00 – 20:00
===== Wednesday, July 5 =====
Chair: 岳友岭 (15min = 12+3)
08:30 -- 08:45 刘 鹏: A multi-band study of pulsar glitches with Fermi-Lat and Parkes
08:45 -- 09:00 曹顺顺: Study of PSR B0943+10 using FAST: the modes, geometry and OPMs
09:00 -- 09:15 孟令祺: The Relativistic Spin Precession of the Compact Double Neutron Star
PSR J1946+2052
09:15 -- 09:30 缪晨晨: 掩食双星的观测和研究
09:30 -- 09:45 缪雪丽: Fast GR test project
09:45 -- 10:15 Coffee Break
Chair: 袁业飞 (15min = 12+3)
10:15 -- 10:30 宋 仑: Phase-transition induced X-ray features in sGRB observations
10:30 -- 10:45 孙向东: Astrophysical Implications on Hyperon Couplings and Hyperon
Star Properties with Relativistic Equations of States
10:45 -- 11:00 王铂钧: Progress of CPTA jitter analysis
11:00 -- 11:15 王 迪: The Formation of the Eccentric Millisecond Pulsar by the
Accretion-induced Collapse of the Massive White Dwarf
11:15 -- 11:30 王 睿: Simultaneous 2.25 and 8.60 GHz Interstellar Scintillation
Observation of PSR B0740-28
11:30 -- 11:45 王鑫然: X射线双星自转变化事件的吸积盘进动模型
11:45 -- 12:00 王宇阳: Pulsar J1906+0746 at FAST: a unique exploration of radio-pulsar beam maps
----- Lunch time -----
Chair: 袁建平 (15min = 12+3)
14:00 -- 14:15 王正理: The radiation geometry of PSR B0950+08
14:15 -- 14:30 许 帆: 伽马暴中标准烛光关系的物理起源
14:30 -- 14:45 薛梦瑶: Pulsar discovery prospect of the FAST Array (FASTA)
14:45 -- 15:00 颜宇龙: Constraining the internal physics and properties of several young neutron
stars by their braking indices
15:00 -- 15:15 杨细艳: Spinning-down strangeon stars and implications for GRB X-ray afterglow
15:15 -- 15:30 尹德江: FAST Discovery of New Pulsars in Globular Cluster NGC 6517
15:30 -- 15:45 张丹丹: FAST观测到球状星团中四颗脉冲星的银河系中星际闪烁
15:45 -- 16:15 Coffee Break
Chair: 李兆升 (15min = 12+3)
16:15 -- 16:30 张子良: The origin diversity of non-repeating fast radio bursts: Rotational radio transient
sources and cosmological compact binary merger remnants?
16:30 -- 16:45 郑子岳: 中子星的径向和非径向振荡
16:45 -- 17:00 周宇凯: A simple radio telescope backend software
17:00 -- 17:15 周禹睿: Investigating BNS merger remnants by effective-one-body method
17:15 -- 17:30 朱沛鑫: Glitch成团现象下Crab的活跃度
17:30 -- 17:45 方子瑶: 利用GPU加速求解脉冲星测时解
17:45 -- 18:00 王子阳: Study of pulsar flux density and its variability with Parkes data archive
Dinner, 18:00 – 19:00
===== Thursday, July 6 =====
Chair: 郝龙飞 (15min = 12+3)
08:30 -- 08:45 戴子高: 最亮伽玛暴GRB 221009A
08:45 -- 09:00 张 洁: QUEST Introduction
09:00 -- 09:15 李兆升: HXMT views of accretion millisecond X-ray pulsars
09:15 -- 09:30 刘荷蕾: Type I X-ray burst as a tool to probe the physics of neutron stars
09:30 -- 09:45 Announcement of the Crab Prize and the Vela Prizes
09:45 -- 10:15 Coffee Break
Chair: 龚碧平 (15min = 12+3)
10:15 -- 10:45 岳友岭: 脉冲星与我 (特邀)
11:00 -- 11:15 袁业飞: Electromagnetic signatures of white dwarf collisions in AGN disks
11:15 -- 11:30 徐仁新: 脉冲星表面会长“痘痘”?
11:30 -- 11:45 常姗:FPS13介绍,转交FPS会议旗帜
----- Lunch time -----
NOTE for talks (15min = 12+3)
The chair would remind the speaker “2 min” after talking for 10 minutes.
Score suggested for the members in ad hoc committee
Crab: 85~95, Vela: 75~85