Scientific Program of FAST/Future Pulsar Symposium 13
July 14-16, 2024, Yunnan University (YNU), Lianyun Hotel (连云宾馆), Kunming
(Language: English or Chinese; but the presentation is suggested to be written in English)
===== Sunday, July 14 =====
09:00 -- 11:30 Arrival & Registration
(Joint sessions with SPSS’24)
Chair: 徐仁新 (15min = 12+3)
13:58 -- 14:00 仪 式:升FPS会议旗帜
14:00 -- 14:15 蔡沿庆: The Single-pulse Study of Pulsar J0535−0231 Discovered by FAST
14:15 -- 14:30 陈 瑶: A DM-free scheme for fast radio burst search in multibeam data based on EfficientNet
14:30 -- 14:45 戴印丰: Search for pulsars in globular clusters based on stacking power spectra
14:45 -- 15:00 付秋阳: 人工智能加速脉冲星搜寻流程
15:00 -- 15:15 高端塬: Difference between quark stars and neutron stars in universal relations and their effect on gravitational wave
15:15 -- 15:30 胡宸然: Effects of observational cutoff in frequency on fast radio bursts
15:30 -- 15:45 雷鸣宇: Investigating off-pulse gamma-ray emission from millisecond pulsars
15:45 -- 16:15 Group Photograph and Coffee Break
Chair: 袁业飞 (15min = 12+3)
16:15 -- 16:30 李耀威: Find new pulsars in Globular Clusters with the Fast Fold Algorithm
16:30 -- 16:45 李 威: Observations of Microstructure in Five Interpulse Pulsars with FAST
16:45 -- 17:00 李保达: Pulsars in M3
17:00 -- 17:15 林 杰: 4FGL J1318.2+6754: A Long Orbital-period Redback Candidate
17:15 -- 17:30 刘 鹏: Pulse profile variability associated with the glitch of PSR J1048-5832
17:30 -- 17:45 刘 通: Measuring Polarization Properties of Pulsars in Globular Clusters with FAST
17:45 -- 18:00 刘宇堃: Dark Matter Halo Effects on Pulsar Pulse Profiles
晚宴 18:00 – 20:00
===== Monday, July 15 =====
Chair: 袁建平 (15min = 12+3)
08:30 -- 08:45 牛佳瑞: FRB2020114A的周期分析与偏振位置角跳变
08:45 -- 09:00 彭寒龙: Comprehensive X-Ray view of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 2259+586
09:00 -- 09:15 祁昊洋: Detecting Strangeon Nuggets with Acoustic Messenger
09:15 -- 09:30 庹攸隶: Discovery of the first anti-glitch event in the rotation-powered pulsar
09:30 -- 09:45 王正理: A giant planet or brown dwarf passes through the line of sight to pulsar B1929+10
09:45 -- 10:00 王啸威: 8.6 GHz observations of 170 pulsars using TMRT
10:00 -- 10:30 Coffee Break
Chair: 闫 振 (15min = 12+3)
10:30 -- 10:45 王 振: Probing the interstellar medium from scintillation of the swooshing pulsar B0919+06
10:45 -- 11:00 刘小辉: FRB统计分析中的选择效应研究
11:00 -- 11:15 吴贤聪: On the Asymmetry of Pulsar Radio Emission from Both Poles
11:15 -- 11:30 吴宇枭: FAST Observation Results on Core-Collapsed Globular Cluster M15
11:30 -- 11:45 吴子为: Pulsar and FRB scintillation studeis
11:45 -- 12:00 徐江伟: CPTA 56颗毫秒脉冲星的偏振研究
----- Lunch time -----
Chair: 王洪光 (15min = 12+3)
14:00 -- 14:15 薛子涵: Search for axion dark matter with FAST
14:15 -- 14:30 颜 一: 脉冲星辐射多样性的研究
14:30 -- 14:45 叶文韬: PSR B1509-58宽能段高能辐射特性研究
14:45 -- 15:00 尹德江: Discovery of new pulsars in Globular Clusters NGC6517, M13 and M92 with FAST
15:00 -- 15:15 余志祥: Result of 15yr timing of PSR J0007+7303
15:15 -- 15:30 余 婷: Investigating Spectral Turnover in Pulsars: Analysis Below 350 MHz and Insights
from the Gum Nebula
15:30 -- 16:00 Coffee Break
Chair: 龚碧平 (15min = 12+3)
16:00 -- 16:15 张 倩: Crab脉冲星glitch恢复机制
16:15 -- 16:30 赵仕乾: A targeted observation for fast radio bursts from a radio source with likely magnetar origin
16:30 -- 16:45 郑 冬: 甚高能脉冲星晕的搜寻与相似性研究
16:45 -- 17:00 周禹睿: Constraints of the maximum mass of quark stars based on post-merger evolutions
17:00 -- 17:15 周宇凯: 21CMA脉冲星后端进展
17:15 -- 17:30 黄玉祥: 云南台的YN40m快速射电暴观测与研究
17:30 -- 17:45 何秋忆: The Galactic distribution of pulsar scattering and the τ-DM relation
Dinner, 18:00 – 19:00
===== Thuesday, July 16 =====
Chair: 宋黎明 (15min = 12+3)
08:30 -- 08:45 王发印: 快速射电暴的起源研究
08:45 -- 09:00 席绍强: A brief overview of the PWNe detected by LHAASO
09:00 -- 09:15 周登科: A discovery of two slow pulsars with FAST: “Ronin” from the globularcluster M15
09:15 -- 09:30 王惠惠: An Investigation of state changes of PSR J2021+4026
09:30 -- 09:45 张振辉: A magnetospheric coherent radiation model for FRBs
09:45 -- 10:00 Announcement of the Crab Prize and the Vela Prizes
10:00 -- 10:30 Coffee Break
Chair: 岳友岭 (15min = 12+3)
10:30 -- 11:00 宋黎明: 谈谈我的几次学术方向改变 (特邀)
11:00 -- 11:15 孙保元: Nuclear and NS properties from a density-dependent meson-exchange perspective
11:15 -- 11:30 武旭浩: Properties of the mixed phase core in maximum mass neutron stars
11:30 -- 11:45 徐仁新: 我的物质观:三类物质形态
11:45 -- 12:00 陈文聪: FPS14介绍,转交FPS会议旗帜
----- Lunch time -----
NOTE for talks (15min = 12+3)
The chair would remind the speaker “2 min” after talking for 10 minutes.
All talks in red is for awards of the Crab/Vela prizes:
Score suggested for the members in ad hoc committee
Crab: 85~95, Vela: 75~85