SKA Pulsar Science Symposium (SPSS) 2023

July 2-4, 2023, Nanyang Normal University (NNU), Nanyang Hotel (南阳宾馆), Henan

 (Language: English or Chinese; but the presentation is suggested to be written in English)


===== Sunday, July 2 =====

14:00 -- 20:00 Arrival & Registration

Dinner, 18:00 – 19:00


===== Monday, July 3 =====

Chair: 徐仁新 (15min = 12+3)

08:30 -- 08:35 欢迎辞(南阳师范学院领导

08:35 -- 08:40  SKA管理部门致辞(遥感中心


10:40 -- 10:50 Group Photograph (合影)


08:50 -- 09:05 李柯伽SKA脉冲星测时进展

09:05 -- 09:20 朱炜玮SKA脉冲星搜寻进展

09:20 -- 09:35 邵立晶SKA脉冲星理论进展

09:35 -- 09:50 潘之辰: Progress of FAST Globular Cluster Pulsar Survey

09:50 -- 10:05 胥  恒: First data release of Chinese Pulsar Timing Array


10:05 -- 10:30 Coffee Break


Chair: 李柯伽 (15min = 12+3)

10:30 -- 10:45 王发印: 快速射电暴的起源和宇宙学应用

11:45 -- 11:00 王维扬: Implications of FRBs’ narrow band emission

11:00 -- 11:15 童明雷: Application of pulsar time in time-keeping

11:15 -- 11:30 王  炎: Detecting gravitational waves beyond Nyquist frequency with

the PTA in SKA era

11:30 -- 11:45 闫  振: 脉冲星VLBI观测研究

11:45 – 12:00 杨书华: Confronting strange stars with compact-star observations

and new physics


----- Lunch time -----

Chair: 朱炜玮 (15min = 12+3)

14:00 -- 14:15 郑小平: 磁星Glitch与FRB

14:15 -- 14:30 夏铖君: Progress on obtaining unified EOSs of nuclear matter

14:30 -- 14:45 Garvin Yim: Gravitational waves from magnetar glitches and antiglitches

14:45 -- 15:00 周恩平: Tide-induced quakes during BNS inspirals

15:00 -- 15:15 梁迪聪: Improved bounds on the bosonic dark matter with pulsars

in the Milky Way

15:15 -- 15:30 陈偲源: Results from Pulsar Timing Arrays


15:30 -- 16:00 Coffee Break


Chair: 邵立晶 (15min = 12+3)

16:00 -- 16:15 祝永新: Prototyping coherent de-dispersion pulsar search system

in SKA mid band

16:15 -- 16:30 罗  睿: An all-sky Fast Radio Burst monitor with cryogenically-cooled

phased array receivers

16:30 -- 16:45 陈海亮: Formation of millisecond pulsars with helium white dwarfs,

ultra-compact X-ray binaries, and gravitational wave sources

16:45 -- 17:00 刘栋栋: The progenitors of accretion-induced collapse events and

the formation of particular NS systems

17:00 -- 17:15 彭  波: Searching for Pulsars with Phase Characteristics

17:15 -- 17:30 谭柏轩: Pulsar binary searches aided by optical photometry


Dinner, 18:00 – 20:00


===== Tuesday, July 4 =====

Chair: 黄永锋 (15min = 12+3)

08:30 -- 08:45 葛明玉: Recent progresses of young pulsars

08:45 -- 09:00 姚菊枚: Interstellar scintillation of PSR B0355+54 from FAST

09:00 -- 09:15 卢吉光: Pulsar data analysis program

09:15 -- 09:30 汪卫华: On the recent glitch associated torque reversal of SGR 1935+2154

09:30 -- 09:45 Rusul Abdujappar: From the External to the Internal Dynamics of the Neutron

Star: The Exotic Braking Indices of PSR B054069

09:45 -- 10:00 李守龙: Can a star be smaller than a black hole of the same mass?


10:00 -- 10:30 Coffee Break


Chair:   (15min = 12+3)

10:30 -- 10:45 张彬彬: Gamma-ray Bursts with Unusual Origins

11:45 -- 11:00 高田顺平: X-Ray study of millisecond pulsars in Galactic field

and globular clusters

11:00 -- 11:15 郑世界: 几颗X射线毫秒脉冲星的长期稳定性

11:15 -- 11:30 侯书进: Limited the central engine of gamma-ray bursts

by self-organizing criticality phenomenon

11:30 -- 11:45 杜  双: On the effect of the variation of velocity fields in pulsars

11:45 – 12:00 彭秋和: 脉冲星自转减慢规律和高速中子星


----- Lunch time -----

14:00-18:00 Joint sessions with FPS12



NOTE for talks (15min = 12+3)

The chair would remind the speaker “2 min” after talking for 10 minutes.